mardi 4 octobre 2011

About Rex Express

About REX

With a transport industry growing at 200% per year, the animal world suffers from a lack of laws which have an effect on proper care during transit. 
Our philosophy and determination is improving on and adding to existing procedures. The core business of Rex Express is the transportation of animals and ensuring their transition is as smooth as possible.

Ethics in any business is a powerful subject for debate. REX entered the field of animal transport for specific reasons.

The animal world is intricately intertwined with the human species. Every action we take against nature has a reaction in the animal kingdom and every action the animal makes has a direct impact on our life.

Over the Pacific, an area hit by the "Global Warming" which changed the temperature by just 1 degree. That degree eradicated the plankton that certain types of fish feed on. No fish means no food or business for the local fisherman. These changes show how our lives can really benefit by learning how to protect the living creatures of this planet and thus ourselves.

To better understand is to be better informed. Collecting information is vital and we combine the data with our ever widening experience of transporting animals; noting and observing 
positive and negative effects during transit. This flexible approach allows us to adapt to the needs of each creature in our care.

REX develops this concept to constantly update our knowledge and experience in order to be in a better position to change attitudes. We follow
regulations to the letter and work to create new regulations regarding care in transit and displacement effects which are our primary objectives.

What we do know is that it will be better for any animal to travel with us than in the cargo hold of any airline or trucking service whose core business is not animal transport.

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